How to Join

How do I join?

Joining is as easy as 1, 2…

  1. Be a current member of the National Harley Owners Group.  (If you’re not, go to and sign up.
  2. There are multiple ways to sign up. You can download our membership form in advance (new member form link) of the meeting and have it ready when you arrive. Or, if you prefer, come to the meeting and we will have some forms available and will be happy to help you complete the process.

If you cannot make a meeting and want to join you can simply complete the form, place it and $20.00 cash or check made out to Seacoast H.O.G. in an envelope with Attn: HOG Membership and give it to the parts counter employee at the dealer (ask them to put it in the HOG box), or mail it to:

Seacoast Harley Davidson

17  Lafayette Road

North Hampton, NH  03862

Attn:  Membership Officer

To confirm your membership was received we will send you a welcome email (please add your email to the form so we can send you the monthly newsletter) & I will also contact you.  It will give us a chance to talk about your experience with group riding, etc to see if there is anything one of our officers can do to make you feel as welcome as we can.  We realize everyone’s riding experience is different and want you to be comfortable.

If you have any questions you can email me at

For a list of FAQ click on Seacoast HOG FAQ

For a copy of our New Member Packet Click on Seacoast NMPacket

Membership in the North Hampton Seacoast H.O.G. Chapter is open to any person who is a member of the National Harley Owners’ Group (H.O.G.) and is interested in the purposes of our group. We do not discriminate in the granting of membership rights and benefits on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, sex, disability, or national origin.